In Pursuit Of Why

About Me

Raised in Tampa, Florida, Max Grauer aspired of being a pastry chef shortly after graduating high school. Max went to the prestigious Culinary Institute of America where he graduated with a degree in Baking and Pastry Arts. After working in the restaurant industry for a good while, Max moved to Los Angeles feeling unsatisfied. He worked at a bakery hoping to satiate that feeling yet after 3 years it remained. In 2022, Max started the In Pursuit of Why brand/podcast, dedicated to finding what makes a person tick while also acting as a platform for everyone to share their story.


Mission & Vision Statement

In Pursuit of Why is a brand committed to getting to the heart of what makes a person tick. I ask my guests questions that get to their deepest desires, traumas, hopes, dreams, and everything else that motivates them to get out of bed to chase their passions in life. I hope to create a lot of intimate and valuable connections, build a community of passionate individuals, and provide them as much value as I can.

About the podcast

In Pursuit of Why is a podcast that deep dives into the WHYs of its guests. I ask my guests questions that get to their deepest desires, traumas, hopes, dreams, and everything else that motivates them to get out of bed to chase their passions in life. I try and go deep and ask my guests about their griefs and traumas that led them to their passion projects and explore that aspect – the person behind the persona. Not every has an hour to listen to a podcast, for that reason In Pursuit of Why episodes are only 15-20 minutes long, so that they are easy to digest but long enough to discover its guests why. 

My Episodes

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if you do want to support the show, enjoy an extra
warm feeling inside when you listen knowing
you’ve help keep this project going.

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